Tuesday 29 August 2017

Finding Self Love

  Journey Towards Finding Self Love 

Finding Self Love is the journey towards self discovery often ignored or unmindful in most of our lives. Ego and self love are most often confused for one another. Self love is standing up for what we really deserve and taking a step forward even when you have to take it alone rather waiting for comforting circumstances or people to wave a green flag. Often when one wish to learn to love the self or reached a point they became aware or realized that they have been ignoring the little voice crying for love they will be standing in a too long ignored path. It shows us the vulnerability we are concealing from our own personality and close relationships in your life. By Learning self love one will identify what stood as hindrance in the first place to love yourself where different dynamics of family dramas, early traumas, death of loved one, loss of dreams etc comes into play. Acceptance of the damage or hurt done to us is the first step (acknowledgement of the variety of human emotions).

Finding Self Love in Relationships

Finding Self Love

The relationships which are not serving the purpose of mutual growth and companionship will be cut down. It is natural to desire the company of others but as it down played us in the past it is time to move on to get stuck in that circle.  
You might fail at it several times to let go of those stuck old patterns but slowly you will transcend it. Trust me you will!

Somehow we will outgrow the old patterns of being okay to be treated like a monumental toy for the sake of maintaining certain social circles, friendships or marriage. This eternal continuity of self sabotage will disrupt the life energy and one must practice Finding Self Love again.
                      Self love is a journey not a destination......................

You don’t need anyone’s approval to accept the version of who you are and don’t have to facilitate their opinion against your priority.  Some relationships wither away when you are emerging from old patterns. At that point hold on to self love. Self-love is very different from narcissism or ego rides in general.  As you walk through the path of Finding Self Love  one will accept their flaws and imperfections.

Sometimes the hardest things to do are the very things that set us free. 

Finding Self love in life again

Sometimes the difficult challenges we set up for ourselves are the situations that fortify us and grow into compassionate individual. Sometimes the most intense relationships that we left are the most learned lessons.
Even when one experience a lot of success in career and life however in the absence of self love as foundation there are higher chances of self sabotage behaviour in their personal life. Indeed Finding Self Love is a significant commitment one has to cherish.

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